"The answer to the first question is that you’re blog is probably already being captured by Technorati due to the fact that your already using Blogger, the most popular blogging tool."
That's a scary thought! Well, I suppose everything you put online is going to end up somewhere being viewed by someone but being told about it makes it all very real.
Tagging things in Technorati isn't as easy as I would have hoped: HTML is not my strong point. I like the apple way of thinking: make it obvious and clickable! Code is beyond me!
It's pretty entertaining in it's own way to see what is listed as popular on the site: the alphabetised lists defo come in handy and allow you to browse different areas too :) I also liked the State of the Blogosphere blog which "chronicles the rise and evolution of the Blogosphere as we know it. Since 2004 we've seen explosive growth and maturing of this new arm of the fourth estate"
Nice and well thought out discussion of the plusses of Technorati.